Isaac's Blog

Hello World


Existence precedes essence.

During the high school years, I once kept a diary, sort of artsy lifestyle possessed by the petty bourgeoisie. And this experience told me the truth that writing is really time-consuming, especially when you are making “sentimental twaddle” on trivial things in daily life.

Time flies. I haven’t been keeping that habit for a long time and I will be 23 this month. Like every young man in his 20s, I feel at a loss from time to time. Looking back on the past few years, seemingly I have gone through a lot of things and met up with a lot of people, but the future still remains uncertain.

Some people of this era are distressed and tend to explore the meaning of their existence. That is why I am quoting the words of Jean-Paul Sartre at the beginning of this post. It tells that life could be meaningless, according to my understanding, unless you create yourself a meaning.

But I cannot say that I am an existentialist. An existentialist should be fearless, like Friedrich Nietzsche, who asserted that God is dead. I am just following the guidance of these great philosophers to add something that I believe is meaningful to my life.

Thus, I decided to build this place and record something of myself, which generally includes:

  • Something about my study (algorithms, programming, projects I am doing, etc.).
  • Something about my hobby (traveling, cycling, reading, photographing, etc.).
  • And more possibilities…

It is lucky for me to live in this digital age so that I can easily build up this small website on my own, using Github Pages as the blogging platform and Hexo as the framework. I also would like to express my thanks to fi3ework who designed this beautiful theme archer that I am using.

Anyhow, this is the very first post of my blog. Wish me happy blogging :)